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â–¨ Extra characters are +75% each.
â–¨ If the commission would be for commercial use (ie Patreon, ad-supported content, etc), there will be an extra charge.
â–¨ You cannot resell the commission unless it is a commercial product commission. Commercial product commissions will cost extra.
â–¨ Detailed backgrounds or props will cost extra.
â–¨ I accept Paypal only. All prices in CAD. Payment upfront. Any additional payments throughout the process need to be made upfront.
â–¨ No refunds are offered.
â–¨ Please provide a thorough visual or written reference of the character(s).
â–¨ Please ensure initial description is accurate so that less changes may need to be made.
â–¨ I have the right to decline commissions.
â–¨ Light NSFW is okay, but please don't ask for too much.
â–¨ My turnaround is usually 2-10 days. I can't guarantee I will hit your deadline if you do not provide it to me from the beginning.
â–¨ I can post the commission on my social media unless it is a private commission. Private commissions may cost extra.
â–¨ I can use commissions as Portfolio pieces unless otherwise requested. 
â–¨ I can use fanart commissions as Prints or other merch unless otherwise requested.
â–¨ You cannot claim the commission as your own work; I own rights to the image. I need to be aware and agree if it's being posted or used in media.
â–¨ Once the commission is final, small colour changes or mistakes can be fixed for free. Larger changes will be extra charge.
â–¨ A speedpaint can be made if requested.
â–¨ A stream might be possible if requested. This will be difficult as my schedule is very busy.
â–¨ If you want something different, ie only lineart, headshot, etc, we can discuss price.
â–¨ You cannot share my personal details or contact details with third parties.
â–¨ I cannot share your personal details or contact details with third parties.
â–¨ By completing a payment, you agree to these terms and conditions.
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